

穿行者2049 今说新语 2024-04-14
在这个科技日益发展的时代,人工智能(AI)已经渗透到许多产业,包括建筑设计。借助AI的力量,设计师们能够创造出令人叹为观止的建筑作品,将概念与现实完美结合。前面的文章《AI绘画:AI也可以画建筑设计图、建筑平剖面图?》介绍了在Stable Diffusion中绘制建筑图纸的一些方法。为了向大家展示Midjourney中AI建筑设计的美妙,我整理了15个与建筑设计相关的词汇以及它们的效果图,展示AI在设计领域的无穷潜力。可以看出Midjourney绘制的建筑图更偏向于追求画面美感的方向,少了工程图纸的感觉。
1、场地平面图Site plan
A detailed site plan of a modern office building, with the surrounding area and access roads.high detailed --ar 3:2
2、平面图Floor plan
A floor plan of a luxury apartment, with all the furniture and appliances in place.high detailed --ar 3:2
A set of elevations for a modern builfing, showing the front, back, and side views.high detailed --ar 3:2
4、剖面图sectioning diagram
A sectioning diagram of a apartment, showing the interior structure and the roof.high detailed --ar 3:2
5、透视图perspective drawing

A perspective drawing of a skyscraper, with the city skyline in the background.high detailed --ar 3:2
6、分解图exploded drawing

An exploded drawing of a Double Curved Roof, showing all the individual parts.high detailed --ar 3:2
7、等距图isometric view

An isometric view of a shopping mall, with the stores and shoppers visible.high detailed --ar 3:2
8、轴测投影Axonometric projection

An axonometric projection of a factory, with the machines and equipment in place.high detailed --ar 3:2
9、正投影Orthographic projection

An orthographic projection of a building, showing the top, front, and side views.high detailed --ar 3:2
10、3D建模3D modeling

A 3D model of a hospital, with all the details and textures.high detailed --ar 3:2
11、手绘图 Sketch

A quick sketch of a luxury apartment, with a focus on the open concept living and dining area. The sketch should include the location of all the furniture, appliances, and fixtures, as well as the layout of the rooms. --ar 3:2

12、景观设计landscape design

A landscape design for a park, with the trees, flowers, and paths in place.high detailed --ar 3:2
13、设计方案design plan

Develop a comprehensive design plan that outlines every aspect of your building, from the foundation to the roof. --ar 3:2
14、概念设计Conceptual design

A conceptual design for a new city, with the roads, buildings, and parks laid out.high detailed --ar 3:2
15、Master Plan

A master plan for a new city, including roads, buildings, parks, other infrastructure, and more. High detailed - ar 3:2


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